The 1-1 call to grow your business is available for Growth customers right after you've had the Launch Call.

In this call, you'll speak with a website expert who will help you take your website to the next level. The focus will be on setting up the right strategies to attract more sales and/or bookings.

At this stage, you may not yet have steady traffic or an established social media presence. Your expert will guide you on the best next steps to start driving visitors to your site.

To prepare for the call, we recommend checking out our How to Get Traffic trilogy:

How to get more traffic - Part 1

How to get more traffic - Part 2

How to get more traffic - Part 3

To book this call, please visit the Pro Features and look for this tile. 

Alternatively, you will receive the link via email when you upgrade to the Growth Plan.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to speak to our team on Live Chat.