The new advanced layouts are available to all active users on any plans. If you haven't subscribed to one of our plans, you can upgrade here.

Our advanced layouts feature allows you to display different pages on your website and you can access each individual page from your website's navigation menus. We currently offer different layouts depending on the type of business that you have.

Every page is fully customisable: from the page name to the order of different sections on each page. 

In this article, we will walk you through the steps to add different sections to your page.

Once you have logged in to the Editor and selected advanced layouts in the Theme menu, you can start creating multiple pages on your website and edit their content however you want. Click here for our guide on how to add new pages to your websites.

You can now customize the content of each page. To begin, select the page that you want to edit. In this example, we will choose the Products page. You can rename the page by simply editing the Page Title and start adding the sections that you want. Here, we are adding a Featured Products section.

Having added the new section, you can click on each section and customise it to your liking. In this example, we will add some product listings. For a detailed tutorial on how to add products to your page, follow our guide here.

To add another section to your page, click Back to return and you can add a different Section. In this example, we will also add a Promotions section to the Products page. 

You can rearrange the sections within your page as you see fit.

You can also delete any sections by clicking on the bin icon.

✨ Our latest release now enables you to customize individual Product page, Services page, and About Us page. 

For example, having added your products, each product will open as its own individual page once visitors clicks on each item. You can now customize what they see on each of these pages. 

Simply click on your product, then scroll down to find "Page Settings".

Scroll down to Blocks and Sections on page. Click on Add section and you will be able to add and edit the sections you want to show on this particular product page. 

For example, here we are adding a Promotional Banner to this product page. 

The new section will be added to the bottom of the page. If you want to change its position, simply click on Edit, then drag and drop the new section to your desired position on the page. 

Don't forget to click Save to apply your changes! 

Don't worry if you want to make additional changes and remove any sections, simply click on Edit again and use the bin icon to delete any section you don't want to show on the page. 

You can freely customise each page and add many different sections to your pages, such as ProductsServices, or even customised Widgets with Custom Code.

Need a hand?
If you need any further assistance, please message our support team or get real-time help on our Live Chat!