For customers to send you a message they should fill in the Contact Form. This can be found when you access the Editor and head to Sections.

Whenever a customer requests a booking or messages your business, you’ll receive a notification via your Business Hub and registered email. Remember - given that these are booking requests rather than confirmed bookings, you'll need to follow these up by responding and confirming directly with your customer.


To edit this section, just watch our easy video explanation below, or read on: 


  1. First, log into your website editor here
  2. Click Pages, select any page where your Contact Form is located, then select Contact Form
  3. You’ll then be able to edit the following fields: 
    • Contact Form Title (40 character limit)
    • Message Title
    • Description
    • Warning Text
  4. Finally, just press Save once you are happy with your edits!

If you have any questions or need further help, please message our team here.